Take the risk out of the hiring process!
Selecting and hiring the right employee has never been more impactful to a business's success than in today's world. Businesses face the particularly difficult issues affecting today's job market: all-time high employee shortages and turnover. In a scramble to keep a business going, employers may skip imperative steps in the hiring process, like employment screening, exposing themselves to potential profit loss and expensive legal action.
Additionally, employers need to comply with the ever-changing local and federal screening laws. Not being in compliance with such laws and hiring a job candidate with a history of high-risk behaviors can cost time and money!
Having access to the right employment screening resources takes the risk out of the complex hiring process. ERMA makes it easy to screen potential candidates right from your online member portal!
Combined with ERMA's legal partner, you can rest assured you are doing the right thing for your business and protecting yourself from unnecessary litigation as well as potential problems caused by hiring the wrong person for the job!